Detection methods comparison. In the left panel,
F1 score is plotted for a set of automated
spindle detection methods and DDA for the various Laminar, sEEG, and ECoG
recordings. The means (points) and standard deviations (bars) across all
recordings for each detector are plotted at the far right-these exclude two
recordings (denoted by *) of poor quality for which all methods yield low
performance. These recordings are also omitted from the right panel. At right,
the F1 score for all recordings is plotted against
CPU time for each detection method. Each detector was run on twenty intracranial
recordings, the mean across all recordings (except the two noted exclusions) is
plotted with a larger marker, standard deviations across all recordings are
plotted as bars in both CPU time and F1 score. Note
that not all recordings are of equal length, so some variation in the CPU time
is to be expected.