(A) Schematic for testing whether NanoLuc activation of eLOV is proximity-dependent. NanoLuc was fused either to arrestin-TEVp (left, Complexed), or expressed at the membrane as CD4-NanoLuc (right, Nearby). (B) HEK293T cells were transfected with constructs in Panel A), with either the Complexed or Nearby (membrane-bound NanoLuc) configurations of β2AR SPARK2. The UAS-FLuc reporter luminescence was measured ~8 hr after 20 min of exposure to 10 µM furimazine and 10 µM isoetharine (n = 4 replicates each condition). The Complexed condition resulted in a ± Iso signal ratio of 9.0-fold, and the Nearby condition resulted in a ± Iso signal ratio of 3.4-fold. (C) Even though the Nearby NanoLuc construct did not activate LOV as efficiently as the Complexed NanoLuc construct, NanoLuc bioluminescence measured in the Nearby condition was greater than in the Complexed condition (Complexed: 4.55e6 ±1.46e5, Nearby: 7.55e6 ±3.47e4; n = 5 technical replicates each condition; Student’s t-test, t8 = −20.01, p=4.05e-8). (D) FLuc reporter luminescence measurements following 10 min of blue light with and without 10 µM isoetharine were similar between the Complexed and Nearby conditions (n = 4 replicates each condition).
Figure 4—figure supplement 1—source data 1. Excel spreadsheet containing luminescence values used to generate panels B-D.