Figure 5 – Excitability of mouse versus human pyramidal neurons as a function of somatic distance from pia.
A) The number of APs elicited by a given current injection increased as a function of somatic depth from pia in supragranular mouse cortex. Example sweeps obtained from a superficial and deep neuron in response to 250, 500 and 750 pA are shown. B) The number of APs elicited by a given current injection decreased as a function of somatic depth from pia in supragranular human cortex. Example sweeps obtained from a superficial and deep neuron in response to 250, 500 and 750 pA are shown. Arrows correspond to sample voltage sweeps in A & B. C) Average firing rate as a function of normalized position within supragranular cortex in mouse versus human. D) Data binned into quadrants and presented as mean ± SEM. * < 0.0125 mouse versus human post-hoc t-test with Bonferroni correction.