Fig. 2. Transient modeling results.
Results of model simulations driven by orbital forcing, optimal regolith removal scenario, and optimal volcanic outgassing scenario. In all panels, observations are shown in black and model results are shown as colored lines. (A) Benthic δ18O compared to the stack of (3). (B) Relative sea level compared to (49). (C) Calving from the Laurentide ice sheet into the North Atlantic compared to a proxy for ice-rafted debris at site U1313 (30). (D) Atmospheric CO2 concentration compared to ice core data (solid line) (50) and other proxies [circles: (16); squares: (18); *: (51); + and ×: (19); diamonds: (52); black box: (15); dotted lines: (17)]. (E) SST anomalies compared to the stack of (18). (F) Global annual surface air temperature compared to reconstructions (53). (G) Southern Ocean dust deposition compared to data (54).