Branch support values are 1.0 posterior probabilities unless annotated. (
A) Bayesian consensus tree inferred to place the
Holosporales in the absence of the
Rickettsiales and the
Pelagibacterales and when compositional heterogeneity has been decreased by removing 50% of the most biased sites according to ɀ. (
B) Bayesian consensus tree inferred to place the
Holosporales in the absence of the
Rickettsiales and the
Pelagibacterales and when the data have been recoded into a four-character state alphabet (the dataset-specific recoding scheme S4: ARNDQEILKSTV GHY CMFP W) to reduce compositional heterogeneity. See
Figure 2A and B for the most likely trees inferred in IQ-TREE v1.5.5 and the LG + PMSF(C60)+F + R6 and GTR + ES60 S4+F + R6 models, respectively.