Figure 3.
DSC results. (a) DSC endotherms of samples with aescin contents of 3 mol%. The cholesterol content is varied between (I) 0 mol%, (II) 1 mol%, (III) 5 mol%, and (IV) 10 mol%. The blue signal results from the phase transition of DMPC molecules in a saponin-poor environment, the green signal to one in aescin-rich environment. The pink signal arises at relatively high aescin contents. The green peak with the pink pattern is mixture of the single colour signals in panels (I) and (II). The yellow signal denotes the signal broadening by cholesterol addition. The red line is the sum of all peaks. Peak maxima obtained from Lorentzian fits for samples without (◦) and with 1 mol% (■), 5 mol% (▲), and 10 mol% (●) cholesterol. The figure depicts the fit results from the blue-coloured peak in panel (b) and those of the green coloured peak in panel (c), according to the colour encoding in panel (a). Error bars result from instrument precision65.