Figure 5.
PGCs are closely associated with the complex fibronectin fibril meshwork in the germinal crescent. Wholemount immunofluorescence for fibronectin (abB3/D6) and CVH across the germinal crescent of HH5 and HH6 [Tg(PGK1:H2B-mCherry)] quail embryos. (A) Fibronectin red, CVH (PGC marker, green), H2B-mCherry (blue) and merged maximum intensity projections of 10x tiled confocal Z stacks taken from the dorsal aspect of an HH6 embryo germinal crescent. Anterior (rostral) to top. HF = head fold. (A) Scale bar = 250 μm. Images in (B) are maximum intensity projections of 20x tiled confocal Z stacks taken from the dorsal aspect at the location of the bounding box in (A). (B) Scale bar = 50 μm. (C) Images are maximum intensity projections of 4 × 2.1 μm optical sections from 63x confocal Z stacks taken in an HH5 embryo. Yellow arrow in the CVH image highlights a bleb on a PGC. White arrow indicates a long cellular process. Scale bar = 25 μm.