A. Quantification of peri-arteriolar and interstitial fibrosis with representative images to the right (peri-arteriolar, top panel; interstitial fibrosis, bottom panel). Note the peri-arteriolar fibrosis extending into the interstitium (top middle panel). N=5 for CD ECMR+/+, 6 for WD ECMR+/+ and 6 for WD ECMR −/−. B. Western blot analysis of collagen 1 and collagen 3 expression normalized to GAPDH with quantification below. N=4 for CD ECMR+/+, 5 for WD ECMR+/+ and 5 for WD ECMR−/−. Kidney tissue from upper pole was used for immunostaining. Kidney tissue from lower pole was used for western blots. Control diet (CD), Western Diet (WD). Data are expressed as means ± SEM. † P<0.05 vs CD; ‡ p<0.05 vs WD ECMR+/+.