Table 1.
Histological Findings in ALD
Steatosis | Alcoholic (Steato‐) Hepatitis | Steatofibrosis | Miscellaneous | |
Classic findings | Small‐ and large‐droplet fat Beginning and/or most prominent in perivenular regions (acinus zone 3) and extending with increasing severity toward portal tracts | Hepatocyte ballooning with and without Mallory‐Denk bodies and/or neutrophil‐rich parenchymal inflammation | Perivenular and pericellular fibrosis (chicken‐wire fence pattern) Central‐central and/or central‐portal fibrous septa Micronodular (Laennec's cirrhosis) | Megamitochondria |
Other possible findings | Diffuse microvesicular steatosis indicative of alcoholic foamy degeneration | Mixed inflammatory infiltrates | Features of fibrotic regression after sustained abstinence | Hepatocellular iron (whether it is related to alcohol use or concomitant hereditary hemochromatosis requires a clinical assessment) |