Fig 2. Rapid habituation of touch-induced C-start.
Effect of electric shocks delivered at 1 Hz on the touch-induced C-start reflex. All groups, except one (Test AloneShock, n = 7), were given posttests at various times after habituation training to determine the duration of the habituation with electric shocks. The Test AloneShock group received the test stimuli without habituation training. A between-groups ANOVA yielded a significant group effect (F[4, 29] = 9.22; p < 0.05). Tukey HSD post-hoc tests revealed that the TrainedShock-10 s group (n = 6), TrainedShock-30 s group (n = 7), and the TrainedShock-1 min (n = 7), were significantly less responsive than the Test AloneShock group (n = 7), and the TrainedShock-5 min (n = 7) group.