Ependymal Cells and B1 Astrocytes Form One Common Lineage Regulated by Geminin Family Members
(A) Model of adult neural stem cells (NSCs) and multiciliated ependymal cell generation. RGCs give rise to type B1 cells through symmetric divisions (rare event, 3%) or asymmetric divisions (frequent event, 50%) and to multiciliated ependymal cells through symmetric divisions (frequent event, 47%). The antagonistic Geminin family members Geminin and GemC1 can modulate the cell fate decision. Geminin overexpression favors symmetric divisions giving rise to type B1 astrocytes. On the contrary, GemC1 overexpression triggers symmetric divisions giving rise to ependymal cells. The percentages of E-E, E-B1, and B1-B1 divisions are indicated for IUE at E14.5 in a control situation and upon GemC1 or Geminin overexpression, respectively.