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. 2019 Apr 4;9:5629. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-42176-z

Table 3.

Parameters of curve fitting of the experimental data for Enterosgel (E) and Charcodote (C) for each of the bacterial toxins using the Henry (H), Langmuir (L) Freundlich (F), Toth (T), Langmuir -sigmoid (L-S) and combined Langmuir-Freundlich (L-F) equations listed in Supplementary Data section S3.

Adsobent-Adsorbate C- end-otoxin E- end-otoxin C- TcdA# E- Tcd A C-Stx-2B† E- Stx-2B† C- TcdB E- TcdB
KH 1.41.103 86.8 2.117 3.303 0.055 1.049 0.658
R2 0.504 0.686 0.740 0.558 0.600 0.881 0.745
L ‡ § § § § § §
a = qmKL 4.27.105 83.4 neg 7.312 0.928 0.0022 0.549 0.213
b = KL 4.79 neg neg neg neg neg neg neg
R2 0.968 0.687 0.859 0.952 0.980 0.899 0.932 0.927
F ‡ §
KF 5.04.103 68.0 71.3 6.038 0.0028 6.41.10−8 0.0608 4.40.10−4
1/n 0.315 1.126 0.481 3.41 4.165 1.839 3.12
R2 0.886 0.690 0.797 0.952 0.9906 0.700 0.932 0.940
T § § § §
a 4.48.105 3950 29.3 141 130 1.117 42.3
b 4.64 2010 0.974 neg neg 2.21.10−5 −39.7
t 0.955 2.00 0.500 6.568 1.778 0.0004 2.32
R2 0.968 0.686 0.834 1.000 0.967 0.8814 1.000
L-S § § § § § § §
a 0.751 neg neg neg neg 1.16.105 neg 4.784
b neg 0.0087 0.027 0.146 0.0129 neg 0.139 neg
c neg 0.441 0.178 0.439 19.1 neg 136 neg
R2 0.904 0.807 0.908 0.952 0.990 0.967 0.939 0.948
L-F § § § ‡ § § §
a 4.04.105 0.106 103 2.412 2.538
b 4.50 0.0001 −0.0026 −2.156 −1.917
n 0.977 5.571 2.93 0.028 0.0734
R2 0.968 0.774 0.992 0.963 0.936

neg – negative value of the parameter; - no meaningful approximation.

These data were also fit with the Sigmoidal Hill three-parameter equation: y = axn/(cn + xn): a = 1.23.106, c = 174 and n = 3.41, R2 = 0.989.

The equation fits the experimental data with R2 > 0.9.

The equation does not fit the experimental data.

§The equation fits the experimental data but the negative value for b means also negative values for qm or KL, or both, which does not have a physical meaning.

#These data fit with the three-parameter equation: y = x/(a + bxn), a = 0.024, b = 0.00826, n = 2.36, R2 = 0.925.