Figure 1.
Implementation of the biopatterned constructs and binding curves for SP and CGRP on ADM (A) Schematics showing ADM constructs with biopatterned treatments. Each construct was 2×8mm with 2×4mm mid-section biopatterned. Control animals received ADM with no treatment. (B) A micro tunnel (0.34mm) was drilled through the calcaneus of the left leg. Biopatterned (with SP, CGRP, or SP + CGRP) or control ADM was implanted with the patterned side facing the Achilles. (C) Binding retention plots of 125I-SP and 125I-CGRP on ADM incubated in simulated in vivo conditions. Each curve represents % of the remaining bound peptide on ADM with ± SEM bars for fourindividual experiments on corresponding days. Approximately 50% of both SP and CGRP were delivered within the first 24 h.