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. 2019 Mar 20;10:516. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.00516

Table 1.

Interactions between solanaceous plants, symbiotic AMF, and pathogenic viruses.

Host plant Virus and strain (if known) AM fungus Mycorrhiza before viral infection Observation References
Plant disease alleviation
Potato cv. Pirol Potato virus Y (PVY) G. intraradices No Improved plant growth Thiem et al., 2014
Tomato Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus (TYLCSV) F. mossae Yes Lower titer of virus in plant tissue Maffei et al., 2014
Plant disease exacerbation
Potato cv. Marfona Potato virus Y (PVY) G. intraradices No Increased activity and concentration of virus
Reduced potato growth
Sipahioglu et al., 2009
Tomato Tomato aucuba mosaic virus (TAMV) G. macrocarpum Yes Increased concentration of virus Daft and Okusanya, 1973
Tomato Potato virus X (PVX) G. macrocarpum Yes Increased concentration of virus Daft and Okusanya, 1973
Tomato Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) Glomus sp. Yes Increased concentration of virus Jabaji-Hare and Stobbs, 1984
Tomato Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) F. mossae Yes Upregulation of fewer defense genes
Increased plant sensitivity
Miozzi et al., 2011
Tobacco Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) G. intraradices Yes Earlier and more severe foliar disease Shaul et al., 1999