Table 1.
Interactions between solanaceous plants, symbiotic AMF, and pathogenic viruses.
Host plant | Virus and strain (if known) | AM fungus | Mycorrhiza before viral infection | Observation | References |
Plant disease alleviation | |||||
Potato cv. Pirol | Potato virus Y (PVY) | G. intraradices | No | Improved plant growth | Thiem et al., 2014 |
Tomato | Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus (TYLCSV) | F. mossae | Yes | Lower titer of virus in plant tissue | Maffei et al., 2014 |
Plant disease exacerbation | |||||
Potato cv. Marfona | Potato virus Y (PVY) | G. intraradices | No | Increased activity and concentration of virus Reduced potato growth |
Sipahioglu et al., 2009 |
Tomato | Tomato aucuba mosaic virus (TAMV) | G. macrocarpum | Yes | Increased concentration of virus | Daft and Okusanya, 1973 |
Tomato | Potato virus X (PVX) | G. macrocarpum | Yes | Increased concentration of virus | Daft and Okusanya, 1973 |
Tomato | Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) | Glomus sp. | Yes | Increased concentration of virus | Jabaji-Hare and Stobbs, 1984 |
Tomato | Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) | F. mossae | Yes | Upregulation of fewer defense genes Increased plant sensitivity |
Miozzi et al., 2011 |
Tobacco | Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) | G. intraradices | Yes | Earlier and more severe foliar disease | Shaul et al., 1999 |