Fig. 3.
Sp1 mediated transcription of SDF-1. A. Nuclear protein from cells treated with LY294002 for 3 h at different concentrations was subjected to Western blotting. Blot was probed with antibody for SP1. The blot was stripped and reprobed for actin (in cytoplasm) and tubulin (in nucleus) to show the relative absence of cytoplasmic proteins in the nuclear lysate. Sp1/tubulin ratio is shown below the Western blot. B. Cells were treated with Mithramycin (inhibits Sp1 binding to GC-rich DNA) at indicated concentrations for 3 h and SDF-1 mRNA levels were determined by qRT-PCR analysis. Values are shown as relative to untreated WT cells. * A representative of 3 independent experiments is shown and P value of <0.05 from student's t-test compared to untreated WT cells, # compared to untreated YF cells.