Quantitative Assessment of Contraction of NC-SMCs and Primary vSMCs
(A) Representative images of NC-SMCs in a pre-stimulated (top row) and post-stimulated state after 30 min of ET-I addition (bottom row). (i, ii) fluorescent image of cells loaded with calcein; (iii, iv) overlapped image of cells and outlines after automated object identification; (v, vi) tracked objects depicting individual cells with a tracking number.
(B) Distribution of relative cell-surface area change of NC-SMCs (differentiated with protocols A to E), HBVPs, and HBVSMCs upon control addition of B(P)EL medium (black histograms) and ET-I (0.1 μM) stimulation. Box plots indicate first, second (median), and third quartiles of relative surface area change upon control (in black) and after stimulation (in colors), and whiskers indicate 10th and 90th percentiles. Data from four (NC-SMCs) and two (HBVPs, HBVSMCs) independent experiments are shown. ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001.
(C) Differences (D values) in relative cell-surface area decrease of NC-SMCs (differentiated with protocols A to E), HBVPs, and HBVSMCs evoked by stimulation with ET-I (0.1 μM). Legend indicates color coding depicting D-value ranges.
(D) Relative cell-surface area decrease of NC-SMCs (differentiated with protocols A to E) from FLB243, LUMC054, and NCRM1 hiPSC lines upon ET-I (0.1 μM) stimulation. Box plots indicate first, second (median), and third quartiles of relative surface area change, and whiskers indicate 10th and 90th percentiles. Data from four (FLB243) and one (LUMC054, NCRM1) independent experiments are shown.