(A) Left, individual and average traces of thirty sIPSCs from control
and hPMCA2w/b mice. Right, amplitude, decay time, and frequency of sIPSCs
recorded from MSNs. (B) Left, individual and average traces of thirty mIPSCs
from control and hPMCA2w/b-expressing mice. Right, mIPSC amplitude, decay time
and frequency. (C) Evoked IPSCs from control and hPMCA2w/b mice. (D-E)
Representative traces and average data for evoked IPSCs due to paired stimuli in
control and hPMCA2w/b mice. (F) Traces and average data for currents evoked by
300 μM GABA puffs for control and hPMCA2w/b. Data in A-F were assessed
with Student’s t or Mann-Whitney tests. (G,H) Traces (G) and average data
(H) for sEPSCs in control and hPMCA2w/b mice. (I, J) Traces and average data for
AMPA and NMDA receptor-mediated evoked EPSCs. AMPA EPSCs were measured at
−70 mV and NMDA EPSCs were measured at +40 mV, 50 ms after the stimulus.
(K) Normalized NMDA receptor-mediated evoked EPSCs. Responses to D-serine and
DCKA were indiscernible for control and hPMCA2w/b- mice. (L) Current waveforms
from astrocytes during 10 mV voltage jumps from - 140 mV to 40 mV. (M) Average
current-voltage relations. (N) Average data for astrocyte membrane potential,
membrane resistance and capacitance for control and hPMCA2w/b groups. Data in H,
J and N were assessed by Student’s t or Mann-Whitney tests as
appropriate; data in K were assessed by Two-way ANOVA tests. The average data
are shown as mean ± SEM. In some cases, the bars used to represent SEM
are smaller than the symbol for the mean.