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. 2019 Apr 1;24(1):1591257. doi: 10.1080/10872981.2019.1591257
3. Provides constructive feedback to peers (IPS).
Emerging (1 point)
Acquiring (2 points)
Mastering (3 points)
Has not achieved the Emerging level.
Does not provide feedback to peers in group sessions or through ThinkShare entries or comments.
Comments on peer entries in ThinkShare or peer ideas during group sessions, but does not go beyond evaluative remarks, such as ‘nice job.’ Provides constructive comments regarding group ideas or process in ThinkShare or during group sessions. Comments address the group process or functioning by describing specific, observable behaviors, approaches, or dynamics. Provides constructive feedback to individual peers in ThinkShare or during group sessions, such as explaining what they thought their peer did well or identifying possible errors, posing questions about peer approaches to problem-solving, contributions to group, etc.
Feedback includes strategies or suggestions for improvement.

CLERKSHIP LEVEL (for reference; not expected of pre-clerkship students): Provides actionable feedback to peers that contributes to learning and functioning of team.