Table 1.
Item | Response option range | |
Intentions |
1. I intend to practice mindfulness each day in the forthcoming 2 weeks. | Extremely unlikely to extremely likely |
2. In the forthcoming 2 weeks, how often do you plan to practice mindfulness for at least 5 minutes? | Never to every day |
3. I will try to practice mindfulness for at least 5 minutes each day in the forthcoming 2 weeks. | False to definitely true |
4. I plan to practice mindfulness for at least 5 minutes each day in the forthcoming 2 weeks. | Strongly disagree to strongly agree |
Attitudes |
5. For me, to practice mindfulness meditation each day in the forthcoming 2 weeks is: | Harmful to beneficial |
6. For me, to practice mindfulness meditation each day in the forthcoming 2 weeks is: | Unpleasant to pleasant |
7. For me, to practice mindfulness meditation each day in the forthcoming 2 weeks is: | Bad to good |
8. For me, to practice mindfulness meditation each day in the forthcoming 2 weeks is: | Worthless to worthwhile |
9. For me, to practice mindfulness meditation each day in the forthcoming 2 weeks is:a | Unenjoyable to enjoyable |
10. For me, to practice mindfulness meditation each day in the forthcoming 2 weeks is: | A waste of time to an important use of my time |
Subjective norms |
11. Most people who are important to me think that I should practice mindfulness meditation.a | Strongly disagree to agree |
12. The people in my life whose opinions I value would approve of me practicing mindfulness meditation.a | Strongly disagree to agree |
13. Most people who are important to me practice mindfulness meditation often. | Completely false to completely true |
14. The people in my life whose opinions I value, practice mindfulness meditation often. | Completely false to completely true |
Perceived behavioral control |
15. For me, to practice mindfulness meditation daily would be | Impossible to possible |
16. If I wanted to, I could practice mindfulness meditation daily. | Definitely false to definitely true |
17. How much control do you believe you have over practicing mindfulness meditation daily? | No control to complete control |
18. It is mostly up to me whether or not I practice mindfulness meditation daily. | Strongly disagree to agree |
aItem dropped during exploratory factor analysis.