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. 2019 Mar 22;7(3):e10794. doi: 10.2196/10794

Table 1.

Theory of Planned Behavior items

Item Response option range

1. I intend to practice mindfulness each day in the forthcoming 2 weeks. Extremely unlikely to extremely likely

2. In the forthcoming 2 weeks, how often do you plan to practice mindfulness for at least 5 minutes? Never to every day

3. I will try to practice mindfulness for at least 5 minutes each day in the forthcoming 2 weeks. False to definitely true

4. I plan to practice mindfulness for at least 5 minutes each day in the forthcoming 2 weeks. Strongly disagree to strongly agree

5. For me, to practice mindfulness meditation each day in the forthcoming 2 weeks is: Harmful to beneficial

6. For me, to practice mindfulness meditation each day in the forthcoming 2 weeks is: Unpleasant to pleasant

7. For me, to practice mindfulness meditation each day in the forthcoming 2 weeks is:  Bad to good

8. For me, to practice mindfulness meditation each day in the forthcoming 2 weeks is: Worthless to worthwhile

9. For me, to practice mindfulness meditation each day in the forthcoming 2 weeks is:a Unenjoyable to enjoyable

10. For me, to practice mindfulness meditation each day in the forthcoming 2 weeks is: A waste of time to an important use of my time
Subjective norms

11. Most people who are important to me think that I should practice mindfulness meditation.a Strongly disagree to agree

12. The people in my life whose opinions I value would approve of me practicing mindfulness meditation.a Strongly disagree to agree

13. Most people who are important to me practice mindfulness meditation often. Completely false to completely true

14. The people in my life whose opinions I value, practice mindfulness meditation often. Completely false to completely true
Perceived behavioral control

15. For me, to practice mindfulness meditation daily would be Impossible to possible

16. If I wanted to, I could practice mindfulness meditation daily. Definitely false to definitely true

17. How much control do you believe you have over practicing mindfulness meditation daily? No control to complete control

18. It is mostly up to me whether or not I practice mindfulness meditation daily. Strongly disagree to agree

aItem dropped during exploratory factor analysis.