Table 3.
Prevalence of probable psychiatric diagnoses.
Total sample (N = 99) |
Group 1 (n = 29) |
Group 2 (n = 32) |
Group 3 (n = 38) |
Group differences | |
Diagnostic status, % (n) | |||||
PGD | 20.2 (20) | 20.7 (6) | 37.5 (12) | 5.2 (2) | χ2 = 15.56, p = .001 |
PCBD | 16.1 (16) | 20.7 (6) | 25.0 (8) | 5.2 (2) | χ2 = 8.95, p = .012 |
PTSD | 45.4 (45) | 55.1 (16) | 59.3 (19) | 26.3 (10) | χ2 = 9.21, p = .010 |
Depression | 42.4 (42) | 31.0 (9) | 34.3 (11) | 57.8 (22) | χ2 = 6.11, p = .047 |
Note: Group 1 = asylum request in process, Group 2 = appeal against rejected asylum request, Group 3 = temporary residence permit. PGD = prolonged grief disorder according to the Prigerson et al. (2009) criteria, PCBD = persistent complex bereavement disorder, PTSD = post-traumatic stress disorder. X2 test with df = 2. Percentage of positive cases was defined as participants fulfilling the diagnoses based on the TGI-SR or PCL-5 or participants with a symptom score above the PHQ-9 cutoff.