Figure 5.
FKBP51 overexpression modestly alters LTP induction and maintenance. Ex vivo hippocampal slices from rTgFKBP5 and littermate controls were prepared for LTP testing in the Schaffer collateral pathway. Following a 20-min baseline, slices were stimulated by one-train (A) or four-trains (B) of HFS at 100 Hz to induce LTP. Evoked fEPSPs ± SEM, normalized to baseline, were measured for 60 min following HFS. In the one-train protocol, slices from rTgFKBP5 (N = 5), WT (N = 6), and tTA (N = 5) mice were used. In the four-train protocol, rTgFKBP5 (N = 7), WT (N = 6), and tTA (N = 8) mice were used. Representative traces are shown: 1 (black) indicates baseline, 2 (teal) indicates initial early LTP potentiation in the first 3 min following potentiation, and 3 (gray) indicates late LTP in the last 3 min of recording. *p < 0.0001 by one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s Multiple Comparison’s test of the last 5 minutes. ***p < 0.0001 by two-way ANOVA.