Figure 4. Graphical summary of hallmarks of cancer-related functions of PTEN presented on the CGC website.
(A) New gene summaries concisely integrate manually curated information on the impact of proteins (in this case PTEN)108 coded by cancer genes on the hallmarks of cancer in simple graphical form. If the wild-type (WT) protein function promotes a process related to cancer, it is marked within the green outer ring. The protein suppressing a hallmark of cancer in its WT form is marked within the blue outer ring. [modified from Hanahan & Weinberg, Cell, 2011]15
(B) The alternative presentation of the summary of PTEN functions shows how an alteration resulting in gain- or loss-of-function of a gene may impact each of the hallmarks. As WT PTEN promotes (P) growth suppression, an inactivating PTEN mutation will lead to increased proliferation of mutant cells. (S = suppresses)