Figure 6: Faster parasite development is mediated by Lp-transported lipids with no additional cost to fecundity.
(A) Lp expression is elevated in dsEcR females (EcR) after blood feeding relative to dsGFP controls (Cntrl) (means ± SEM, unpaired t-test, FDR corrected). NBF = non-blood fed. (B) Total lipids, TAGs, and PCs are significantly higher in dsEcR midguts at 48 h pIBM while DAGs are increased independent of time (means ± SEM, Least Squares model). (C) Co-injecting females with both dsEcR and dsLp (EcR/Lp) largely returns mean oocyst size to control levels at 8 d pIBM (Kruskal-Wallis, Dunn’s correction). (D) In dsGFP controls, there is a negative correlation between the number of eggs and the mean size of oocysts in individual females at 8 d pIBM. This correlation is lost in dsLp females (Spearman’s correlations. Lines show data trends). (E) dsEcR females develop the same number of eggs after either an infectious or inactivated P. falciparum blood meal (Mann-Whitney). N = sample size with dsGFP listed first. See Figures S3–S4.