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. 2019 Mar 23;17:415–429. doi: 10.1016/j.csbj.2019.03.011

Table 1.

Available X-ray and NMR structures of the domains of each NOS isoform, along with the PMID associated to the corresponding publication in Pubmed and the corresponding entry in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). We did not report the structures of the heme domain in complex with inhibitors.

Isoform Organism Domain structure PDB ID PMID
nNOS Human Heme 4D1N 25286850
Rat Heme 4FVW, 3HSN, 2G6H, 1ZVI, 1LZX 23586781, 19791770, 16804678, 16033258, 12437343
Reductase 1TLL 15208315
FNR-like (FAD/NADPH) 1F20 11473123
iNOS Human Heme 1NSI 10409685
calmodulin binding + calmodulin 5TP6, 2LL6 28121131, 22486744
FMN/calmodulin binding + calmodulin 3HR4 19737939
Mouse Heme 3NQS, 1DWV, 1DF1 20659888, 10769116, 10562539
Heme mutant 3DWJ, 1JWJ 18815130, 11669619
eNOS Human Heme 3NOS, 4D1O 10074942, 25286850
calmodulin binding + calmodulin 2MG5, 2LL7, 2N8J, 1NIW 24495081, 22486744, 27696828, 12574113
Bovin Heme 1NSE, 2G6O, 1ED6 9875848, 16804678, 11331003