Fig. 1.
Generation of DHFR knockout mice: (A) Disruption of dhfr in ES cells by gene targeting. Overview of the dhfr gene locus (upper part) and the knockout construct (lower part). Recombination occurs at two sites: (1) the 1st base after start codon ATG; (2) the 6th base after stop codon TAA. Mut-F and Mut-R are the positions of primers used to detect knockout (KO) mutation. WT-F and WT-R indicate the positions of primers used for wild-type (WT) detection in intron 5. (B) Representative genotyping results by PCR. Genomic DNA was isolated from mouse tails. KO mutation can be amplified as a band of 607 bp. WT can be amplified as a band of 326 bp. (C) Percentages of different genotypes of the pups from Het×Het breeding. WT: wild-type, Het: Heterozygous, Homo: Homozygous. The total number of pups analyzed was 223. (D) The embryos from Het×Het breeding were harvested at 10.5 dpc and subjected to genotyping. The representative images of homo, het and WT embryos are shown in the upper panel. The corresponding genotyping results are shown in the lower part. (E) The percentages of embryos with different genotypes at 10.5 dpc. The total number of embryos analyzed was 71.