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. 2019 Apr 5;19:54. doi: 10.1186/s12905-019-0747-9

Table 5.

Coefficient estimates from logistic regression analysis examining the relationship between women’s empowerment and ability to achieve fertility goals

Variables Burkina Faso Mali Niger Chad
Model1 Model2 Model1 Model2 Model1 Model2 Model1 Model2
Women’s empowerment
 Empowerment index 0.01*(0.007–0.04) −0.12(−0.20—0.04) 0.12(0.023–0.22) 0.15***(0.05–0.25)
 Economic Empowerment index 0.03(−0.03–0.09) 0.24***(014–0.35) 0.11(−0.04–0.27) −0.52***(− 0.71—0.33)
 Socio-cultural empowerment index −0.07***(− 0.12—0.03) −0.06*(− 0.13–0004) 0.05(− 0.03–0.14) −0.14***(− 0.23—0.04)
 Familial empowerment index 0.16***(0.1–0.22) 0.14***(0.06–0.22) 0.05(−0.04–0.15) 0.23***(0.08–0.38)
Controls variables
Place of residence
 Rural −0.01(− 0.18–0.16) 0.0004(− 0.17–0.17) 0.19(− 0.12–0.51) 0.24(−0.09–0.57) −1.29***(−1.80—0.78) −1.43***(− 1.97—0.89) 13.90(13.14–14.67) 15.32(14.58–16.06)
Household wealth index
 Poor 0.01(− 0.21–0.24) −0.01(− 0.21–0.24) −0.94***(− 1.47—0.42) −0.90***(− 1.4—0.37) −1.11***(− 1.88—0.34) −1.24***(−2.03—0.45) 0.07(− 0.55–0.69) − 0.09(− 0.74–0.55)
 Middle 0.18(− 0.04–0.41) 0.18(− 0.04–0.4) 0.06(− 0.56–0.69) 0.08(− 0.54–0.71) −0.64**(− 1.26—0.02) −0.72*(− 1.35—0.09) 0.82***(0.21–1.44) 0.69**(0.04–0.55)
 Rich 0.04(− 0.17–0.26) 0.03(− 0.18–0.24) 0.11(− 0.37–0.60) 0.24(− 0.25–0.73) −2.16(− 2.86—1.43) −2.27***(− 2.99—1.55) 0.42(−0.19–1.02) 0.45(− 0.20–1.11)
 Richest 0.41***(0.14–0.7) 0.33**(0.06–0.6) 0.72**(0.17–1.28) 0.92***(0.35–1.48) −2.16(− 2.89—1.43) −2.25(− 2.99—1.51) 14.85***(13.94–15.76) 15.95***(14.98–16.93)
Husband education
 Primary − 0.09(− 0.27–0.11) −0.09(− 0.3–0.09) −0.06(− 0.50–0.37) −0.15(− 0.57–0.27) −1.87***(− 2.66—1.09) −1.81*** −0.17(− 0.61–0.26) −0.39*
 Secondary 0.33**(0.04–0.61) 0.37**(0.07–0.66) 0.18(−0.15–0.53) 0.19(− 0.14–0.53) −0.35(− 0.97–0.26) −0.76** 0.56***(0.14–0.98) 0.17
 Tertiary (High school) −0.06(− 0.71–0.58) 0.07(− 0.61–0.77) 0.13(− 0.37–0.65) −0.02(− 0.53–0.47) 1.02***(0.45–1.58) 1.01** 0.32(− 0.44–1.08) 0.14
Household size
 4–6 0.88***(0.4–1.29) 0.93***(0.47–1.39) 0.19(− 0.85–1.23) 0.05(− 0.91–1.02) 0.48(0.99–1.96) 0.57(−0.94–2.08) 0.002(− 0.87–0.87) −0.23(− 0.67–0.21)
 7–9 0.85***(0.4–1.32) 0.98***(0.52–1.43) 0.52(− 0.51–1.54) 0.44(−0.52–1.41) 0.64(− 0.83–2.13) 0.70(− 0.80–2.21) −0.45(− 1.34–0.44) 0.63***(0.19–1.07)
 10 – 0.92***(0.4–1.37) 1.04***(0.58–1.50) 0.89(− 0.13–1.91) 0.87(− 0.09–1.84) 1.26(− 0.21–2.74) 1.34(−0.16–2.85) −0.43(− 1.29–0.43) 0.24(− 0.48–0.97)
Polygamous union
 Yes − 0.35(− 0.54—0.15) −0.40(− 0.60—0.20) −0.02(− 0.41–0.38) −0.08(− 0.48–0.31) 0.36(0.25–1.58) 0.34(0.14–1.12) −0.31(− 0.89–0.27) −0.88(− 1.56—0.19)
 Muslim 0.89**(0.05–1.73) 1.02**(0.15–1.89) 0.43(−0.31–1.17) 0.39(− 0.33–1.12) 0.09(− 0.31–0.63) −0.75(− 1.22—0.27) −0.12(− 0.48–0.22) 0.04(− 0.15–0.24)
 Christian 1.18***(0.34–2.02) 1.26***(0.39–2.12) 0.91**(0.17–1.75 0.66**(0.12–1.95 0.72**(0.15–1.28) 0.05(− 0.44–0.51) − 0.405(− 0.55–0.62) − 0.16(− 0.52–0.19)
 Animist/traditional 0.99**(0.12–1.85) 1.08**(0.19–1.97) 0.97**(0.11–1.12) − 0.92(− 2.18–0.34) 0.15(0.08–0.20) 9.04***(0.58–1.50) −1.29(− 1.80—0.78) 0.21(− 0.07–0.37
Number of women 4020 4020 1307 1307 1160 1160 837 837

*** Significant at 1%; ** significant at 5%; significant at 10%

(): confidence intervals

Note: Model1: explanatory variables (empowerment and controls variables)

Model2: explanatory variables (desegregated empowerment index and controls variables)