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. 2019 Jan 7;144(11):2651–2668. doi: 10.1002/ijc.31997

Table 1.

Overview of the studies included (n = 28)

First author (year) Data collection Country Matching1 Total no. of participants No. of cases Proportion of males (%) Age range at dx (mean) Sunscreen information assessed2
Hospital‐based case–control studies
Klepp (1979)22 1974–1975 Norway Unmatched 209 78 61 >20 (nr) Questionnaire: sunscreen use frequency during solar irradiation
Graham (1985)23 1974–1980 USA Unmatched 420 218 100 nr (nr) Interview: sunscreen use
Ródenas (1996)31 1989–1993 Spain Unmatched 243 105 35 20–79 (52) Interview: sunscreen use frequency
Wolf (1998)33 1993–1994 Austria Unmatched 512 193 42 18–89 (54) Questionnaire: sunscreen use frequency before formation of melanoma
Espinosa A. (1999)34 1990–1994 Spain Individual (age, sex) 351 116 47 21–87 (56) Questionnaire: sunscreen use
Naldi (2000)35 1992–1995 Italy Unmatched 1,080 542 42 nr (nr) Interview: sunscreen use frequency and duration, product type used, SPF used
Bakos (2002)37 1995–1998 Brazil Individual (age, sex, Ethnic group, region) 309 103 nr 20–84 (53) Questionnaire: sunscreen use, SPF used
Nikolaou (2008)64 2000–2004 Greece Individual (age, sex) 400 200 49 19–84 (53) Interview: sunscreen use
Klug (2010)39 1991–1992 USA Frequency (age, sex, Ethnic group, study site) 1,662 717 55 20–79 (nr) Interview: sunscreen use, sunscreen use ≥8 SPF, regular use ≥8 SPF
Luiz (2012)63 2004–2008 Brazil Frequency (age, sex) 424 202 50 15–79 (48) Interview: sunscreen use frequency in childhood, lifetime sunscreen use frequency
Vranova (2012)65 2010–2011 Czech Republic Frequency (age) 518 216 46 nr (54) Questionnaire: sunscreen use frequency in childhood, sunscreen use frequency in adulthood, number of sunscreen applications when sunbathing
Population‐based case–control studies
Holman (1986)24 1980–1981 Australia Individual (age, sex, electoral subdivision) 1,014 507 46 10–79 (nr) Interview: sunscreen use frequency and duration
Østerlind (1988)25 1982–1985 Denmark Frequency (age, sex) 1,400 474 41 20–79 (52) Interview: sunscreen use frequency and duration
Beitner (1990)26 1978–1983 Sweden Individual (age, sex) 1,028 523 45 nr (nr) Questionnaire: sunscreen use frequency
Herzfeld (1993)27 1982–1983 USA Unmatched 739 324 100 >18 (nr) Interview: sunscreen use frequency
Autier (1995)28 <1990 France, Germany, Belgium Individual (municipality) 856 418 nr nr (nr) Questionnaire: sunscreen use
Holly (1955)29 nr USA Frequency (age) 1,382 452 0 25–59 (42) Questionnaire: sunscreen use frequency in 5 years previously
Westerdahl (1995)30 1988–1990 Sweden Individual (age, sex, parish) 1,040 400 49 15–75 (nr) Questionnaire: sunscreen use frequency when spending time in the sun
Whiteman3 (1997)32 1994 Australia Individual (sex, school, grade) 208 52 nr 3–14 (nr) Questionnaire: sunscreen use frequency at school and on holidays in childhood
Westerdahl (2000)36 1995–1997 Sweden Individual (age, sex, parish) 1,449 558 50 16–80 (nr) Questionnaire: sunscreen use frequency, regular use, age at first use, SPF used, body parts applied, reasons for sunscreen use
Youl4 (2002)38 1987–1994 Australia Individual (age, sex, region) 406 201 50 15–19 (17) Interview: sunscreen use frequency at school, at home, on holidays for ages 5–10, 10–15, ≥15 years
Lazovich (2011)40 2004–2009 USA Frequency (age, sex) 2,268 1,167 40 25–59 (nr) Interview: lifetime sunscreen use frequency during outdoor activities, SPF used, thickness applied, amount of skin covered, reapplication, routine use
Savoye (2018)66 1989–2008 France Individual (age, birth county, education) 1,219 366 0 nr (57) Questionnaire: sunscreen use at ages <15, 15–25, >25 years, SPF used, re‐application
Prospective ecological study
Kojo (2006)67 1920–1985 Finland na 11,535 11,535 47 nr (nr) Sales of sunscreen preparations 5 and 10 years before diagnosis
Prospective cohort studies
Cho (2005)68 1976–2000 USA na 178,1555 5355 325 nr (53) Questionnaire: sunscreen use frequency at the pool or beach as a teenager and in the past summer
Ghiasvand (2016)69 1991–2012 Norway na 143,844 722 0 42–83 (60) Questionnaire: sunscreen use in low and high latitudes, SPF used, brands of sunscreen used
Stenehjem6 (2017)70 1999–2012 Norway na 1,755 112 100 33–84 (58) Questionnaire: present sunscreen use frequency
Randomised controlled trial
Green (2011)21 1992–2006 Australia na 1,621 33 44 nr (nr) Intervention to daily apply sunscreen on head, neck, arms and hands, weight of returned sunscreen bottles, questionnaire on weekly sunscreen use frequency

Abbreviations: dx, diagnosis; na, not applicable; nr, not reported; no., number; SPF, sun protection factor.


Only relevant for case–control studies; variables given as reported in the underlying article.


This column gives an overview of the sunscreen information assessed in the study. The detailed descriptions of the sunscreen estimates used in the meta‐analyses are given in Table 2 and Supporting Information Table 4.


Sunscreen and melanoma in childhood.


Sunscreen and melanoma in adolescence.


Data received upon author request with some differences to the article cited.


Case‐cohort study design.