Figure 3.
Schematic crystal structure (a) and phase diagram (b) for La1.8−xEu0.2SrxCuO4. For x < 0.025 the compound is an antiferromagnetic insulator (AFI). For x < 1/8 (vertical dashed line) a structural LTT distortion sets in and superconductivity (SC) is strongly suppressed. At x = 1/8 a one-dimensional modulation (stripe order) of charge (CO) and spin (SO) order appears in the planes. (c) Illustration of the in-plane stripe order in single-layered cuprates. The stripes are periodically stacked along the c-axis with a 90° rotation between adjacent layers. (d) Time evolution of the integrated intensity of the (0.24 0 0.5) stripe order peak in La1.875Ba0.125CuO4. Upon vibrational photo-excitation the stripe order is promptly melted. (e) Transient normalized superfluid density in La1.675Eu0.2Sr0.125CuO4 where vibrational excitation induces a transient superconducting state. Panel (b) is adapted from [55]. Panels (c,d) are reproduced from [56]. Panel (e) is adapted from [57]. (Online version in colour.)