Figure 7.
(a) Intraperitoneal glucose administration (IP 2 g/kg) induced CPA in bortezomib-pretreated mice on day 10 post chemotherapy. BL measurements ensured that absence of chamber bias prior to conditioning. After a single-trial conditioning protocol, bortezomib-pretreated mice spent significantly shorter time in glucose-paired chamber, whereas vehicle-pretreated mice showed no chamber preference. Treatment with oxamate (IP 500 mg/kg) or DCA (IP 500 mg/kg) blocked the CPA produced by glucose administration (**P = 0.001, 10 mice/group). (b) Difference scores (test time – baseline time spent in glucose-paired chamber) demonstrate that glucose produced CPA in bortezomib—but not vehicle-pretreated mice. Treatment with oxamate or DCA blocked the glucose-induced CPA (*P = 0.0488, 10 mice/group). Veh: vehicle; Bor: bortezomib; Oxa: oxamate; BL: baseline; DCA: dichloroacetate.