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. 2017 Sep 1;4:2055668317725994. doi: 10.1177/2055668317725994

Table 1.

Summary of commissioned rotary mechanical circulatory support systems.

Device Manufacturer Flow Side Location Suspension and bearings Size Output Approvals
HeartAssist 5 ReliantHeart Axial LV Intracorporeal Hydrodynamic (purged) 30(D) × 71(L) 5–10 lpm FDA (BTT adult) trials, FDA (BTT pediatric), EU (BTT, DT)
HeartMate II Thoratec Axial LV Intracorporeal Mechanical (blood immersed) 40(D) × 60(L): 63 mL 3–10 lpm FDA (BTT, DT), EU (BTT, DT)
INCOR Berlin Heart Axial LV Intracorporeal Electromagnetic 30(D) × 114(L) 5 lpm FDA (BTT) trials, EU (BTT, DT)
Impella Abiomed Axial LV, RV, BV Transvalvular Magnetic and hydrodynamic 12 Fr to 21 Fr 2.5–5 lpm FDA (6 h), EU
HeartWare HVAD HeartWare Centrifugal LV, RV, BV Intracorporeal Electromagnetic and hydrodynamic 50 mL 10 lpm FDA (BTT), FDA (DT) trials, EU (BTT, DT)
HeartMate III Thoratec Centrifugal LV Intracorporeal Electromagnetic 69(D) × 30(H): 50 mL 13 lpm FDA trials, EU
CentriMag Thoratec Centrifugal LV, RV, BV Extracorporeal Magnetic 31 mL 9.9 lpm FDA (6 days LVAD and 30 days RVAD), EU (30 days)
PediMag Thoratec Centrifugal LV, RV, BV Extracorporeal Magnetic 14 mL 1.5 lpm FDA (6 days), EU (30 days)
EvaHeart EvaHeart Centrifugal LV Intracorporeal Hydrodynamic (purged) 55(D) × 64(H): 132 mL 12 lpm FDA (BTT) trials
BPX-80 Medtronic Centrifugal LV Extracorporeal Mechanical 79(D) × 66(H): 86 mL 10 lpm FDA (6 h), EU
BP-50 Medtronic Centrifugal LV Extracorporeal Mechanical 48 mL 1.5 l pm FDA (6 h), EU
Synergy HeartWare Mixed LV, RV, BV Intracorporeal Magnetic and hydrodynamic 12(D) × 49(L): 1.5 mL 0.3–6 lpm FDA (BTT, BTR) trials, EU (BTT, BTR)

BTD: bridge to decision; BTR: bridge to recovery; BTT: bridge to transplant; DT: destination therapy; VAD: ventricular assistive device; TAH: total artificial heart; FDA: Food and Drug Administration; BV: biventricular; LV: left ventricle; RV: right ventricle.