Predicted methane, short-chain alkane and long/medium-chain fatty acid metabolism of the two MAGs NM1a (“Ca. Methanoliparum thermophilum” completeness of 92.5%) and NM1b (“Ca. Methanolliviera hydrocarbonicum” completeness of 90.2%) belonging to the candidate class “Ca. Methanoliparia”. Colored arrows correspond to reactions present in both MAGs which modify or transfer the carbon group(s) of the substrate. Predicted possible metabolisms are the utilisation of short-chain alkanes and long/medium-chain fatty acids (L/MCFA) (blue), methanotrophy (orange) and methanogenesis from short-chain alkanes or L/MCFA (purple). Details on the annotation of the enzymes are provided in Supplementary Table 1. MFR, methanofuran; H4MPT, tetrahydromethanopterin; Fd, ferredoxin; F420, coenzyme F420; L/MCFA, Long/medium chain fatty acids; MQ, menaquinone; Mhc, c-type multiheme cytochromes; DIET, Direct Interspecies Electron Transfer. Grey color indicates the absence of the corresponding enzyme, complex, reaction or compound in both MAGs.