Figure 4. GYF isolate exhibits higher levels of pgRNA encapsidation than WT.
HepG2 cells in 12-well-plate were transfected with 1.6 μg of pHBV1.3-WT (lane 1), pHBV1.3-GYF (lane 2), pCMVHBV-WT (lane 3), pCMVHBV-GYF (lane 4). Cells were harvested at day 5 post-transfection for the following analyses: (A) the cytoplasmic capsid was detected by capsid gel EIA assay using anti-core antibodies; (B) the cytoplasmic encapsidated pgRNA was analyzed by Northern blot, and the relative levels are expressed as the percentage of that in the indicated control samples; (C) the cytoplasmic capsid-containing viral DNA was detected by capsid gel assay through DNA hybridization.