Cognitive performance of the three clusters. Blue line Cluster 1: decline in the VERBM and WM/FLEX domains (z-scores below point -1.0). Red line Cluster 2: decline in the VERBM domain only (z-scores below point -1.0) and above average performance in the ATTV domain (z-scores over point 1.0). Green line: Cluster 3: generalized and severe impairment in all cognitive domains (z-scores ranging from -1.21 in the VISM domain to -3.35 in the WM/FLEX domain). Domains: VISM, visual memory and learning; VERBM, verbal memory and learning; ABSTR/EXEF, abstraction/executive functions; SPOP, speed of processing/psychomotoric speed; ATTV, attention/vigilance; WM/FLEX, working memory/flexibility.