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. 2016 Sep 12;73(6):985–995. doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbw118

Table 1.

Results of Multilevel Models Examining Cross-Sectional Associations Between Activity Diversity and Well-Being

Psychological well-being Depression Positive affect Negative affect
Estimate (SE) Estimate (SE) Estimate (SE) Estimate (SE)
Fixed effects
 Intercept, β0 15.87*** (0.30) 1.08*** (0.24) 3.25*** (0.09) 1.83*** (0.07)
 Older (vs. youngera), β1 0.35 (0.22) −0.29 (0.18) 0.16* (0.06) −0.13* (0.05)
 Middle-aged (vs. younger), β2 0.13 (0.16) −0.19 (0.13) 0.08 (0.05) −0.04 (0.04)
 Men (vs. Women), β3 0.05 (0.12) −0.23* (0.10) 0.06 (0.04) −0.05 (0.03)
 White (vs. Non-white), β4 0.62* (0.26) 0.09 (0.21) 0.10 (0.08) −0.22*** (0.06)
 Education, β5 0.06* (0.03) −0.02 (0.02) −0.01 (0.01) −0.00 (0.01)
 Personality—Extraversion, β6 1.29*** (0.11) −0.05* (0.09) 0.28*** (0.03) −0.08** (0.03)
 Personality—Neuroticism, β7 −1.27*** (0.10) 0.43*** (0.08) −0.35*** (0.03) 0.35*** (0.02)
 Physical health status, β8 0.27*** (0.05) −0.17*** (0.05) 0.12*** (0.02) −0.09*** (0.01)
 Married/partnered (vs. Not), β9 0.40** (0.13) −0.33** (0.11) 0.03 (0.04) −0.08* (0.03)
 Number of children, β10 0.02 (0.04) 0.02 (0.03) −0.01 (0.01) 0.00 (0.01)
 Time spent in 7 activities (hours), β11 0.02* (0.01) 0.03* (0.01) −0.00 (0.00) 0.00 (0.00)
 Burst 1 (vs. Burst 0), β12 −0.17* (0.08) −0.07 (0.08) −0.01 (0.02) −0.02 (0.02)
 Activity diversity, β13 −2.96** (1.25) 0.11 (1.10) 0.44 (0.38) 0.01 (0.31)
 Activity diversity × Older, β14 5.89*** (1.56) −0.86 (1.38) −0.32 (0.48) −0.32 (0.39)
 Activity diversity × Middle-aged, β15 3.47* (1.37) −0.46 (1.21) −0.41 (0.42) −0.11 (0.34)
Random effects
 Intercept, σu02 1.53*** (0.15) 0.62*** (0.10) 0.13*** (0.01) 0.07*** (0.01)
 Residual, σe2 2.14*** (0.11) 2.18*** (0.11) 0.20*** (0.01) 0.14*** (0.01)

Notes: N = 793; 1586 observations across two bursts; 1484, 1554, 1481, and 1479 observations were used in model for psychological well-being, depression, positive affect, and negative affect, respectively.

aYounger individuals were the reference group.

p < .10. *p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.