English translation:
If you encounter a trigger that stirs up the craving for alcohol, something else happens: Your thoughts change.
Here’s another example for this:
Alexander has committed to the goal of drinking less. His doctor has also advised him to do so after the last examination. His goal is: “I won’t drink again until my liver values are okay again.“
A few days later, Alexander is invited to a birthday party. He thinks: “This is a good opportunity to put my intentions to the test: I’ll drink only non-alcoholic cocktails!” At the party, however, he meets a good friend, whom he hasn’t seen in a long time. She smiles at him and hands him a glass: “How nice to see you, let’s drink to that!” Alexander thinks, “Can I really say no now…?” His intentions are all but gone.
Do you recognize similar situations from your own life, Thomas? Have there been times when you were firmly committed to something but then acted otherwise?