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. 2019 Feb 22;116(8):127–133. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.2019.0127

eTable 1. Sample characteristics at baseline. Tests for differences between IG und CAU/WL (χ² tests for items with nominal scale. t tests for items with interval scale).

Variable IG (n. %)
(N = 306)
CAU/WL (n. %)
(N = 302)
χ ² test (df. χ² value) Significance
(p value)
Sex Male = 136 (44%)
Female = 170 (56%)
Male = 153 (51%)
Female = 149 (49%)
χ²(1) = 2.235 0.135
Highest school education General higher Education Entrance
Qualification (Abitur) = 116 (41.4%)
Secondary school certificate
(Realschule) = 164 (53.6%)
Other = 26 (5%)
General higher Education Entrance
Qualification (Abitur) = 142 (49.5%)
Secondary school certificate
(Realschule) = 144 (47.7%)
Other = 16 (2.8%)
χ²(1) = 3.703 0.054
Job qualification Apprenticeship = 203 (66.3%)
Academic Studies = 78 (25.5%)
No qualification = 17 (5.6%)
Other = 8 (2.6%)
Apprenticeship = 185 (61.3%)
Academic Studies = 97 (32.1%)
No qualification = 18 (6.0%)
Other = 2 (0.7%)
χ²(3) = 6.5 0.09
Job status Working*1 = 236 (77.1%)
Learning*2 = 15 (4.9%)
Not working = 45 (14.7%)
Other = 10 (3.3%)
Working = 239 (79.1%)
Learning = 20 (6.6%)
Not working = 41 (13.6%)
Other = 2 (0.7%)
χ²(2) = 0.892 0.64
Relationship status Relationship yes = 128 (41.8%)
Relationship no = 178 (58.2%)
Relationship yes = 132 (43.7%)
Relationship no = 170 (56.3%)
χ²(1) = 0.187 0.665
Children (at least 1) Children yes = 92 (30.1%)
Children no = 214 (69.9%)
Children yes = 95 (31.5%)
Children no = 207 (68.5%)
χ²(1) = 0.119 0.73
Use of help system because of alcohol consumption Treatment yes*3 = 39 (12.8%)
Treatment no*3 = 267 (87.2%)
Treatment yes = 51 (16.9%)
Treatment no = 251 (83.1%)
χ²(1) = 2.068 0.15
Variable IG (M. SD) CAU/WL (M. SD) t test (df. t value) Significance
(p value)
Age 40.4 (11.2) 40.7 (12.1) t(607) = 0.410 0.682
Age—first time drinking of an alcoholic beverage 15.04 (3.23) 14.94 (2.13) t(607) = 0.475 0.635
Age—starting regular alcohol consumption (min. 1 time per month) 17.50 (4.21) 17.51 (4.05) t(607) = 0.005 0.996
Primary outcomes
QFI (amount of alcohol in gram over the past 30 days) 63.69 (61.84) 61.64 (58.84) t(606) = −0.348 0.728
TFB (amount of alcohol in gram over the past 7 days) 52.91 (56.68) 46.82 (41.18) t(606) = −1.514 0.131
Secondary outcomes
Days of Binge Drinking within the past 30 days 16.79 (11.45) 15.27 (11.72) t(599) = −1.605 0.109
Days of drunkenness within the past 30 days 4.42 (5.15) 4.09 (4.67) t(599) = −0.831 0.406

*1 Working—in job. apprenticeship or traineeship

*2 Learning—students in the university or school

*3 Treatment includes: general practitioner. psychiatrist/neurologist. psychologist/psychotherapist. other medical specialists. traditional healer. self-help group. hospital detoxification. hospital rehabilitation. ambulant drug addiction counseling. support by friends/partner/family. other

CAU/WL. care as usual/waiting list; df. degrees of freedom; IG. intervention group; M. mean; QFI. Quantity-Frequency Index; SD. standard deviation; TFB. Timeline Follow-Back method