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. 2019 Feb 22;116(8):127–133. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.2019.0127

eTable 3. Results on satisfaction with Vorvida measured with the patient satisfaction questionnaire ZUF–8 for the IG at t1 and t2.

t1 % (n) / t2 % (n)
Low satisfaction High satisfaction
How would you rate the quality of Vorvida? Very poor Poor Good Excellent
1% (2) / 2% (3) 7% (14) / 4% (8) 36% (74) / 34% (63) 56% (114) / 60% (113)
With Vorvida. did you receive the kind of ‧treatment you were looking for? Definitely not Not really Generally yes Definitely yes
3% (6) / 4% (7) 11% (22) / 6% (12) 34% (69) / 28% (53) 53% (107) / 62% (115)
To which extent did Vorvida meet your needs? My needs were not met Only a few of my needs were met Most of my needs were met Almost all of my needs were met
3% (6) / 3% (6) 14% (29) / 9% (17) 32% (65) / 25% (46) 51% (104) / 63% (118)
Would you recommend Vorvida to a friend if he/she was in need of similar help? Definitely not I don’t think so Yes. I think so Definitely yes
2% (4) / 2% (4) 6% (13) / 5% (9) 31% (64) / 24% (44) 60% (123) / 70% (130)
How satisfied are you with the extent of help that you received from Vorvida? Very dissatisfied A bit dissatisfied Mostly satisfied Very satisfied
3% (7) / 4% (8) 9% (18) / 8% (14) 31% (64) / 26% (48) 56% (115) / 63% (117)
Did Vorvida help you to cope better with your problems? No. it made things more difficult No. it didn‘t really help Yes. it helped somewhat Yes. it helped a great deal
0% (0) / 1% (1) 11% (22) / 9% (16) 32% (65) / 26% (49) 57% (117) / 65% (121)
How satisfied were you in general with Vorvida? Very dissatisfied A bit dissatisfied Mostly satisfied Very satisfied
4% (9) / 4% (8) 12% (25) / 7% (13) 29% (59) / 22% (41) 54% (111) / 67% (125)
Would you use Vorvida again? Definitely not No. I don’t think so Yes. I think so Definitely yes
2% (4) / 3% (5) 7% (14) / 6% (11) 28% (58) / 23% (42) 63% (128) / 69% (129)

IG. intervention group; t1. t2 measurement timepoints after 3 months and after 6 months