Significant genetic correlations between ASD (N = 46,350) and other traits after Bonferroni correction for testing a total of 234 traits available at LDhub with the addition of a handful of new phenotypes. Estimates and tests by LDSC19. The results here correspond to the following GWAS analyses: IQ23 (N = 78,308), educational attainment20 (N = 328,917), college71 (N = 111,114), self-reported tiredness72 (N = 108,976), neuroticism67 (N = 170,911), subjective well-being67 (N = 298,420), schizophrenia15 (N = 82,315), major depression21 (N = 480,359), depressive symptoms67(N = 161,460), attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)69 (N = 53,293), and chronotype73 (N = 128,266). See Supplementary Table 5 for the full output of this analysis.
* Indicates that the values are from in-house analyses of new summary statistics not yet included in LD Hub.