All currently known proteins required for germling communication and fusion in N. crassa. Proteins are color-coded by function. Red proteins are components of the NOX complex that produces superoxide by reducing NADPH and oxidizing molecular oxygen. Purple proteins make up two different MAPK pathways; the Cell Wall Integrity/MAK-1 pathway, or the MAK-2 signal response pathway. Yellow proteins are involved in actin dynamics, vesicle trafficking, endocytosis/exocytosis, or secretion. Green proteins are involved in long-distance non-self recognition. Blue proteins compose the STRIPAK complex. Pink proteins are transcription factors. Brown proteins are involved in membrane fusion. Orange proteins are uncharacterized or have an unknown function. Gray proteins are associated and relevant, but are dispensable for communication or fusion. Proteins with a cyan-P are phosphorylated as part of a MAPK cascade, and proteins with a yellow-P with a green outline are phosphorylated in a MAK-2-dependent manner.