Figure 2.
Circular alignment of plasmid pSa44-CRO and pSa44-CIP recovered from Salmonella (A) The red circle denotes the plasmid pSa44-CRO that is used as a reference and key genetic loci in this plasmid are labelled. The light blue and pink circle, respectively, represent pSAN1-08-1092(85,439 bp: CP019996.1) and pJIE512b (92,339 bp: NC_025198) in the NCBI database. (B) The light pink circle represents plasmid pCVM19633 (100,227 bp, CP001125) and the outmost circle in red colour represents plasmid pSa44-CIP. Plasmid sequence was generated through the combination of both Illumina and PacBio sequencing data.