a. Number of reference errors (Mean ± SEM), in the first four arm entries (of the baited/unbaited four-arm task), made by males fed either the Phyto-600 diet (lifelong) or the Phyto-600 diet from conception and then changed to the Phyto-free diet, in adulthood, for 40 days. * Males fed the Phyto-free diet scored significantly fewer reference errors than males fed the Phyto-600 diet (p < 0.05). A Reference Error was scored when an animal entered a non-baited arm b. The amount of time, in seconds (Mean ± SEM), male and female animals fed either the Phyto-600 diet (lifelong) or the Phyto-600 diet from conception and then changed to the Phyto-free diet in adulthood, required to traverse to the ends of their first 4-arm entries in the radial maze. * Phyto-600 animals traveled to the ends of their first 4-arm entries significantly faster than Phyto-free fed animals (p < 0.05).