Figure 2.
CARS and SRS diagnostic category for ASD at baseline, 8 weeks after treatment, and two-year follow-up after treatment stopped. (a) For CARS, Minimal-to-No Symptoms (15–29.5 for ages less than 13; 15–27.5 for ages 13 or older), Mild-to-Moderate Symptoms (30–36.5 for ages less than 13; 28–34.5 for ages 13 or order), and Sever Symptoms (37 and higher for ages less than 13; 35 and higher for ages 13 or order)54. (b) For SRS, Normal (0–53), Mild or High Functioning autism (54–86), Clinical diagnosis of autistic disorder, Asperger’s disorder, or more severe cases of Pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS) (>87)55. (c–g) Strong and significant correlations between improvements in GI symptoms (GSRS) and behavior symptoms based on % changes in 2 years.