Figure 2.
Initial screening identified deletions of PDR8 and QDR2 increase betaxanthin retention. Initial screening identified PDR8 and QDR2 as deletions that increase betaxanthin retention. (A) Deletions of these two genes increased single cell fluorescence and decreased the variance in fluorescence measurements within an isoclonal population. The population standard deviation and coefficient of variation are shown below. The resulting coefficient of variation for the Δpdr8 and Δqdr2 strains was lower than the WT strain. (B) In liquid media, intracellular betaxanthin retention was higher for Δpdr8 and Δqdr2 compared to WT. All strains include the same biosensor cassette. Six samples were measured; boxes represent the interquartile range (IQR; 25–75%). Whiskers represent the range of the data with the exception of outliers. Data points outside of the IQR +/− 1.5xIQR are considered outliers.