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. 2019 Apr 9;201(9):e00007-19. doi: 10.1128/JB.00007-19


Average levels of molecules per spore for different-abundance mRNAs in dormant B. subtilis spores calculated from data in previously reported worka

Abundance level No. of genes Length (nt)b RPKM value No. of reads/genec RelmRNAs/gened No. of mRNA nt/sporee No. of mRNA nt/spore (Σ = 106)f No. of mRNA/sporeg
Top 29 272 353,000 96,016 842 6.6 × 106 6.8 × 105 86
Next lowest 17 323 4,970 1,605 14 7.7 × 104 7.9 × 103 1.4
Next lowest 32 487 2,740 1,334 12 1.9 × 105 2 × 104 1.3
Lowest 2,711 1,039 110 114 1 2.8 × 106 2.9 × 105 0.1

RNA-seq data on relative abundances of mRNAs detected in B. subtilis spores prepared in liquid were reported previously (23). Values in in the third through sixth and ninth columns are averages for the mRNAs in each group of genes. Values in the second, seventh, and eighth columns are totals for all genes or mRNAs in each group.


The numbers of nucleotides in mRNAs in original RNA-seq data include the coding sequence plus the stop codon. Consequently, the values in this column have been increased by 50 nt to take into account the 3′ and 5′ untranslated regions in mRNAs.


Calculated as [(value in the fourth column) × (value in the third column)]/1,000 to correct for the fact that RPKM values are based on reads per kilobase of transcript.


RelmRNAs/gene are relative levels of spore mRNA that were calculated as (value in the fifth column)/114, the average number of reads/gene for the lowest-abundance group.


Values were calculated as (value in the sixth column) × (value in the second column) × (value in the third column) for each group.


Calculated as (value in the seventh column) × 0.103 to obtain a total of 106 nt for all groups.


These values were calculated as (value in the eighth column)/(value in the second column) × (value in the third column) and are the average numbers of each individual mRNA per spore in each group.