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. 2018 Mar 21;8(4):575–584. doi: 10.1093/tbm/iby026

Table 1.

Community, participant, and network characteristics by intervention and comparison group at baseline

Intervention Comparison Difference
n = 12 n = 7 p
Proportion of population <5 years of age LGA mean % (range) 7 (6–9) 7 (6–9) .849
Population density (persons/km2) LGA mean 326 373 .749
Employed in education/healthcarea LGA mean % 18.8 19.7 .617
Index of advantage and disadvantageb LGA mean ranking (range) 6 (2–9) 5 (3–8) .645
Participants Total (mean per LGA) 78 (7) 29 (4) .262
Participant (ego) networks (out-degree) Total (mean per ego) 762 (10) 234 (8) .110
Participant age, years Mean (SD) 41 (5) 47 (8) .089
Participant sex Female (%) 76 (97) 29 (100) .279
Participant community affiliation
 State/local government N (%) 29 (37) 10 (34) .188
 Early childhood servicec N (%) 25 (32) 16 (55) .017
 Other health/education N (%) 17 (22) 2 (7) .053
 Other N (%) 7 (9) 1 (3) .998
Network community affiliations
 State/local government N (%) 246 (32) 80 (35) .066
 Early childhood servicec N (%) 167 (22) 42 (19) .108
 Other health/education N (%) 208 (27) 57 (25) .726
 Other N (%) 139 (18) 48 (21) .641
Nature of network relationships
 Professional contact N (%) 359 (47) 104 (44) .412
 Colleague/co-worker N (%) 228 (30) 94 (40) .466
 Manager/employee N (%) 108 (14) 25 (11) .670
 Friend N (%) 25 (3) 4 (2) .200
 Other N (%) 40 (5) 7 (3) .943

Bold-face value denotes statistical significance at the p < .05 level.

LGA: Local government area; SD: standard deviation;

a% of employed population in Education & training, Health care & social assistance.

bSocio-Economic Index for Areas (SEIFA) decile ranking, low (1) to high (10).

cMaternal & Child Health, Long Day Care, Kindergarten.