Figure 1.
Schematic graviceptive pathways together with the amount of SVV tilt (in deg) for ipsilateral (ipsi) and contralateral (contra) lesions depending on the level of acute unilateral vestibular damage. The range of the mean values was calculated from a total of 15 published studies (see Table 1 for reference numbers). The four major messages are as follows: (i) In peripheral and pontomedullary brainstem lesions SVV tilts are ipsilateral. (ii) In pontomesencephalic vestibular pathway lesions up to the INC, SVV tilts are contralateral. (iii) In vestibular thalamic and cortical lesions, SVV tilts may be either ipsilateral or contralateral with an intraindividual consistency and an equal distribution interindividually. (iv) The amount of SVV tilt is maximal in complete peripheral lesions (mean up to 13 deg) and in brainstem lesions (mean up to 12–14 deg), and less in lesions of the vestibular thalamus and cortex (mean up to 5–6 deg). INC, interstitial nucleus of Cajal; MLF, medial longitudinal fascicle; VN, vestibuar nucleus [From Glasauer et al. (2)].