FIG. 2.
Protocol for mandibular radiation and surgical defect. (A) Schematic diagram of radiation positioning and distances to determine relevant measurements (in cm). Purple star is the cobalt radiation source (Co-D), with a radiation field size of 8 × 5 cm. SSD was 80 cm, with the mandible ∼2.5 cm below the top surface. (B) Photograph of radiation field with rabbit positioned in right lateral recumbency, covered with Superflab material and loosely packed dry rice as buildup materials. Red outline approximates the radiation field. (C) Intraoperative photographs of mandibular CSD. Rabbit is in dorsal recumbency. Top panel: Full thickness mandibular bone defect created with 10 mm trephine bur. Bottom panel: Intraoral communication (yellow arrow) created through overlying tooth crown with 1 mm cross cut bur. CSD, critical size defect; SSD, source-to-skin distance. Color images are available online.