Case | Condition | Treatment | Results | P |
Belleggia and Birbaumer (2001)77 case report (n = 1) | PLP (arm 3 yrs previously); 69-yr-old man | Six weekly EMG and thermal biofeedback/relaxation sessions (1 hr), then six weekly thermal biofeedback sessions | Elimination of pain (VAS) at end of treatment, maintained at 3- and 12-mo follow-ups, with decreased differences in EMG and temperature between the stump and the contralateral arm | n/a |
Harden et al. (2005)78 uncontrolled trial (n = 9) | PLP (arm, leg); five men, four women with mean age of 57.6 yrs | Six weeks of thermal autogenic biofeedback sessions; follow-up at 12 mos | Only sensory MPQ-SP significantly different before and after treatment; daily pain intensity (VAS) reduced by mean of 39% | 0.05 |
EMG, electromyography; MPQ-SP, McGill Pain Questionnaire Pain Intensity Scale; PLP, phantom limb pain; n/a, not applicable; VAS, Visual Analogue Scale.