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. 2016 Sep 21;2016(9):CD005001. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD005001.pub3

Dodd 2010.

Methods RCT, 3 groups
Study start and stop dates: 1999 to 2006
 Length of intervention: 1 year
 Length of follow‐up: end of intervention
Participants 119 participants randomised, majority with breast cancer (n = 112), but people with ovarian and colorectal cancer also included, undergoing chemotherapy, Karnofsky score > = 60. Excluded if they were having concurrent radiation therapy, and if pain intensity score greater than 3
  1. intervention group: cardiovascular/aerobic exercise, e.g. walking, jogging, or bicycling during chemotherapy (n = 44); home‐based for 1 year, 3 to 5 times/week, 20‐ to 30‐minute/session at 60% to 80% VO2 peak or 12 to 14 on Borg scale

  2. intervention group: cardiovascular/aerobic exercise, e.g. walking, jogging, or bicycling postchemotherapy (n = 36); home‐based for 6 to 8 months, otherwise as group 1

  3. control group (n = 39): usual care, no exercise prescription. Telephoned weekly to inquire about health and general response to cancer treatment

Outcomes Primary outcomes:
  • Fatigue: PFS

  • Sleep disturbance: General Sleep Disturbance Scale

  • Depression: CES‐D

  • Pain: Worst Pain Intensity Scale

Secondary outcomes:
  • MQOLS‐CA: reported in 1 related publication

  • Cardiorespiratory fitness: peak VO2

  • Nutritional symptoms

  • Body composition: % body fat, lean body mass (kg) (DEXA), BMI, weight

  • Nausea: Nausea intensity was measured using a 0 to 10 numeric scale (participants were asked how much nausea they were experiencing at the time of data collection). The nausea intensity scale was derived from a symptom checklist of 25 commonly experienced symptoms.

Outcomes were measured at time point: baseline (T1: the week before the second chemotherapy treatment), at the end of cancer treatment (T2: 4 to 6 months after T1), and at the end of the study (T3: approximately 1 year after the start of T1).
Adverse events: hip pain, sciatica (n = 16), arm discomfort (n = 4), knee discomfort (n = 10), ankle discomfort (n = 3), and foot discomfort (n = 8)
Notes Funding: National Cancer Institute (CA83316), and the Clinical Translational Research Institute, Clinical Research Center (CTSI‐CRC) (Dodd 2010)
Conflicts of interest: The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest in 2 related publications
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Unclear risk Reported as randomised, but method not described
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Not reported
Blinding of participants 
 All outcomes High risk Not done
Blinding of personnel/care providers 
 All outcomes High risk Not reported.
Comment: probably not done
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) 
 Fitness outcomes Low risk Cardiopulmonary exercise testing was performed in the exercise physiology lab by laboratory staff blinded to the participant’s group assignment
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) 
 All outcomes except fitness outcomes High risk Not reported for other outcomes.
Comment: probably not done or self reported items
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Drop‐out:
  • Early intervention during adjuvant treatment 7/44 (15.9%)

  • Late intervention after adjuvant treatment 4/36 (11.1%)

  • Usual‐care group 2/39 (5%)

  • Late intervention and usual care: 6/75 (8%)

  • All participants: 13/119 (10.9%)

ITT, no imputation
Selective reporting (reporting bias) High risk Cardiopulmonary fitness was tested but not reported as an outcome. It was unclear if cardiorespiratory fitness was a predefined outcome or only measured to individualise the exercise prescription.
In 1 of 5 related publications, a quality of life questionnaire was mentioned (MQOLS‐CA), but no results were reported in any publication.
Outcomes were not reported completely, and could not be extracted for use in a meta‐analysis
Group similarity at baseline Low risk "The three groups of patients did not differ significantly in any of the demographic, disease, or treatment characteristics on entry into the study"
Adherence High risk Group 1 (exercise during and after adjuvant treatment) reported an adherence rate of 73% at T2 and 75.7% at T3
Contamination High risk 44% of group 2 (exercise after adjuvant treatment) reported meeting ACSM 1998 guidelines (aerobic activities 3x/week, for 20‐minute duration, and at a moderate intensity) at T1, by T2 group 2 had decreased to 27%. 34% of group 3 (no exercise) reported meeting minimum criteria at T1, this decreased to 31% at T2.