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. 2014 Feb 21;2014(2):CD009786. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009786.pub2

Summary of findings.

Summary of findings table

To determine if adding an open laparoscopy to the diagnostic work‐up of patients suspected of advanced ovarian cancer is accurate in predicting resectability of disease? Population: Patients suspected of advanced ovarian cancer Prior testing: Standard diagnostic work‐up consisting of clinical and radiological evaluation Index tests: Open diagnostic laparoscopy after conventional work‐up. Target condition: Tumour which could not be resected at laparotomy (extensive disease) Reference standard: Explorative laparotomy. Studies: Cohort studies (5) and development/validation prediction model (n = 3)
Cut off test‐positivity laparoscopy Sensitivity
range of estimates
range of estimates
Prevalence of positive test result
Prevalence of negative test result
Negative Predictive Value
 Number of  participants Quality
Prediction of surgery result based on different criteria of unresectability or estimation 5 studies, no pooled analysis  0.70 to 0.71* 1.00* 41%
69%‐96% 295 High risk of bias1
Applicability concerns2
PIV ≥ 8
2 studies, no pooled analysis
 0.30‐0.70 0.89‐1.00 28% (10%‐40%) 72% (65%‐90%) 44%‐76% 165 Low risk of bias
High concerns Applicability2

* Only two studies performed the reference standard in all patients, sensitivity and specificity are based on these two studies 1Four studies did not perform the reference standard in test‐positive patients 2 Applicability concerns based on inclusion of not only patients planned for primary cytoreductive surgery or conventional diagnostic work‐up not conclusive